Thursday 2 June 2016


Child no.4? Or specifically number 7.... Yes...before I get Zaraa, i had misccariage 3 times (1 D&C)... Mungkin Tuhan ganti balik yang miscarriage tu..Ni yang berderet2 plak citenye....As everyone's know (mcm la iols ada followers..hihi) I am breast feeding Sofea... Yang jadi perasan cam pregnant,awat tetibe susu production drop...From 4oz to 2oz in each session.. Tak ke pelik... Then baru perasan period tak mai lagi....

So, cam biasa p Klinik Oasis tu buat UPT(Urine Pregnancy Test) and Alhamdulillah its POSITIVE..My feeling actually berbelah bahagi...Kesian kat Sofea,kecik lagi...Dahla orang nye kecik....Lagi satu plak cite, p record last date previous period kat Ipong kan...Ipong plak kaput....Camne nak tau umur nye...

So today on 2nd June 2016, Iols pi la check up kat SDMC or Ramsay medical Centre.. Jupe Dr. Christine..Cam biasa buat vaginal scan as the fetus is so small... Ok, dah ada heart beat..Estimated at 6 weeks of pregnancy....Alhamdulillah... Dr mula la tanye history of pregnancy and delivery.. Anak of birth memasing...berat memasing... Doc dah advised stop breast feeding Sofea as the baby in the tummy needs more from me rather than Sofea...huhuhuhu... Sad...Ya, I feel terrible and lot of feelings right now....

*say Assalamualaikum and hi...may he/she growth healthier in mama's tummy....

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